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Fresh Organic Vegetables

Why We Need an Earth-Friendly Diet

Quotes from the Center for Biological Diversity

We would like to invite you to read the Center for Biological Diversity’s Why We Need an Earth-friendly Diet.

Here are some of the highlights to help us all better understand the impact of our eating choices.

“In the United States alone, about 10 billion land animals are raised for food each year. That’s about 32 animals per person, plus all the land and water needs, pollution and emissions that go with them.”

“If all Americans were to eliminate meat from their diets just one night a week, the emissions savings would be analogous to taking 30 to 40 million cars off the road for a year.”​

“If the average American reduced his/her meat and dairy consumption by one half, it would have the greenhouse gas equivalent of driving 2,700 fewer miles and saving 340,667 gallons of water per year”

“Livestock already occupy more than 25 percent of the Earth’s land, with 70 percent of all agricultural land dedicated to feed and production.”

“Every minute, seven football fields’ worth of land is bulldozed to create room for more livestock and feed crops — land that was once habitat for wild animals and biologically diverse ecosystems that play a key role in absorbing carbon dioxide and filtering water sources.”

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